Thursday, December 20, 2007
Dear Santa...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Christmas Card Drama

You might notice that it's not a family picture... much easier.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Savor this moment
Monday, December 3, 2007
What in the world??
The crazy thing is, I have NO IDEA what she got into! I sheepishly admit there may be somethings on my bathroom floor that don't belong there, but when I looked to see what it was that she had smeared all over her face, I found nothing. I guess we'll never know.
Friday, November 30, 2007
White Ribbons
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I've been tagged...
1) I love my life! That sounds a bit cliche, but it's really how I feel. I have an amazing husband who is extremely handsome, hard working and honors his priesthood responsibilities and is of course a perfect daddy. And I have 3 beautiful and healthy children who (for the most part) really try their very best to make me happy. Not to mention a beautiful home to live in. What else do you need in life?
2) I have three triathlons on my resume and I'm determined that one day I'll be ready for more. I was 18 for my first one and came in 2nd place, I was 19 for the next one and came in 1st place, I was 22 and one-kid-later for the third one and was happy to not pass out when crossing the finish line. I have high hopes for the next one.
3) I enjoy dabbling in anything creative. I've tried sewing, scrap booking, knitting, quilting, photography, deco page, jewelry making, bow making, painting, wood work and many others that I try to block out from my memory. I love to be able to claim I know how to do things, but doing them well is a very different story.
4) I was quite the rebel growing up, and maybe, just slightly, still am. I really don't like doing things that people tell me to do. My poor mom- I'm really sorry... really, really sorry.
5) I watch soap operas. It's sad, I know. I really got into All My Children and actually record it so every once in a while I'll get behind and then have an All My children marathon. What a great way to numb the mind.
6) My favorite thing at the end of the day is to curl up next to Kyle with a cup of hot chocolate and a little treat that I've managed to hide from the kids and tune in to one of our many favorite (and very addicting) TV shows.
I'm not sure if that was at all interesting for anyone else but that was a lot of fun to take time to think about me. So Amy, Sarah and Lara you've been tagged!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Flashback Friday... Wow Licity!
The art of Halloweening
But, the kids did look really cute!
Party in the Park
Pumpkin Patch
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The dirtier the better!
Ethan loved the sand! Each day he would build "the great wall" and wait for the tide to come up and wash it away.
Licity's vacation revolved around "lil' mermaid". It's amazing how entertaining one doll can be (sing, dance, swim, etc.).
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I'm back!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
My Smart Little Ethan
Monday, October 8, 2007
Where did September go?
Monday, October 1, 2007
Flashback Friday!
Friday, September 7, 2007
My Blue Eyed Thumb Sucker
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Schools in Session

Just getting started (original version)

Ethan is our oldest- he turned 5 last May. He has to be the smartest kid I know, so intuitive. He can argue any point and often ends up winning (legitimately). With that, there is good and bad- I am anxious for the good to start paying off but I'm afraid that might be few years away. We do love how often he makes us laugh (in amazement). He also uses his determination in sports which he loves! He's really good at soccer (if I do say so myself) and basketball and baseball and .... He's a fun kid!
Licity is our middle child (although I don't think she realizes that yet). She just turned 3 in August but seems determined to be the baby of the family- I think we need to stop spoiling her so much. She is a funny little girl- so happy! She's impossible to discipline because of her adorable smile (and she knows how to work it)!
Maci is the baby- almost four months now. She gave us a scare the first couple of months with her sleeping habits (or non-sleeping habits), but she has totally come around. She seems to just wait for you to look her way so she can smile back at you. She's still trying to figure out a schedule but is so content that it doesn't really matter if she's awake all day.
I feel so boring that I won't go into me- really, talking about my family says everything about me... they are my life. I do have a few other things that occupy my time- I love scrapbooking but am two plus years behind on my family, I also love reading a good book and since I'm being honest I'm really into a few (too many) TV shows. I won't name all of them but my favorite is The Office.
Anyway, that's enough to get started... I'll add more details as they come.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
My Wonderful Husband

"Nothing about a husband, huh?"
Broken Camera
Monday, August 27, 2007
Rees Family Reunion 2007