Thursday, October 30, 2008

The never ending Arizona Summer

I don't always notice the long hot summers, but it was just too hot today. I'm pretty sure I say that every October. Luckily it cools off at night (finally) so we are trying to take advantage of that.
Now that Maci has fallen off the swing, she hangs on for dear life and loves to go high like her friends. (Yes, she has friends- because she thinks she's 3 going on 16...) Lis has learned how to pump her legs- Wee, go Lisie!!
This is Ethan's "basketball outfit"- even though I might have mentioned once or twice that it doesn't match.


Daynes Family said...

Oh, how I miss the warm, as I sit here with my little space heater blowing on me. Fun pics Kate, your kids all have the prettiest eyes. You and Kyle are the perfect combination(you already know that):)

Beeswax said...

I am SOOO tired of the heat.

Stephanie said...

I hear ya about hot days in Oct. Seriously!! Love the pictures - your kids are so dang cute!!