Friday, September 7, 2007
My Blue Eyed Thumb Sucker
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Schools in Session

Just getting started (original version)

Ethan is our oldest- he turned 5 last May. He has to be the smartest kid I know, so intuitive. He can argue any point and often ends up winning (legitimately). With that, there is good and bad- I am anxious for the good to start paying off but I'm afraid that might be few years away. We do love how often he makes us laugh (in amazement). He also uses his determination in sports which he loves! He's really good at soccer (if I do say so myself) and basketball and baseball and .... He's a fun kid!
Licity is our middle child (although I don't think she realizes that yet). She just turned 3 in August but seems determined to be the baby of the family- I think we need to stop spoiling her so much. She is a funny little girl- so happy! She's impossible to discipline because of her adorable smile (and she knows how to work it)!
Maci is the baby- almost four months now. She gave us a scare the first couple of months with her sleeping habits (or non-sleeping habits), but she has totally come around. She seems to just wait for you to look her way so she can smile back at you. She's still trying to figure out a schedule but is so content that it doesn't really matter if she's awake all day.
I feel so boring that I won't go into me- really, talking about my family says everything about me... they are my life. I do have a few other things that occupy my time- I love scrapbooking but am two plus years behind on my family, I also love reading a good book and since I'm being honest I'm really into a few (too many) TV shows. I won't name all of them but my favorite is The Office.
Anyway, that's enough to get started... I'll add more details as they come.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
My Wonderful Husband

"Nothing about a husband, huh?"