Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Big Kids Club

Ethan was getting a little nervous that his time would never come... but as if on que, his 1st tooth became loose. We've been wiggling it for a couple of weeks now, but finally today I decided it was time for it to come out (and it's picture day). So with his first missing tooth, Ethan is officially part of the Big Kids Club!


Stephanie said...

Oh that is so awesome!! Reese lost her 2 bottom teeth on her 5th bday and that was the BEST present EVER!! Now everyday she looks in the mirror and says mom my big people teeth grew more. So funny. Congrats to Ethan!! LOVE the picture too. What a handsome boy - I mean BIG boy ;o)

Sarah Lee said...

Congratulations Ethan! Ryan told me that he didn't want to brush his teeth anymore so that his teeth would fall out. I know that he can't wait to be in the big kids club with you.

Lindsay said...

My boys feel his pain. It seemed like everyone lost their teeth but my boys, no finally a few have come but not many. Good job Ethan.