5) Remember when I talked about Licity and how anything can happen as long as she's wearing a white bow? Well, pink bows count as well. This is actually nail polish on her lips but she couldn't be more proud of how pretty she looks.
6) Licity is potty-training. I have nothing positive to say about that yet so I won't get into it, but I did need to explain why Licity may not have any clothes on in some photos.
) We decided to head to the cabin for New Year's with the Trejo's. I love that you can drive a couple of hours North and still find snow in Arizona! Besides the near fatal blow to Rechelle's head from a falling 80lbs. beam- we had a great time! Rechelle is okay and actually opted not to have stitches even though the gash in her head said otherwise. They stuck it out and we were able to go sledding just a few miles North of the cabin. Your such a trooper Rechelle! (I wish I had a photo of that- why didn't we think to take a picture!)
Hope you all are also having an adventurous winter break!